French Intermediate (50)
Please see day, time and location information on the Class Finder page
In this class, the emphasis is on broadening our vocabulary range, reinforcing basic grammar rules and introducing more advanced ones.To this end, we use various resources. However our challenge is to speak more fluently and therefore, we spend most of our time on oral activities.
For more details, please contact Marie Lloyd on 721272.
French - Advanced Conversation (52)
Please see day, time and location information on the Class Finder page
This is a conversation class with no formal teaching. It is very informal as the members are more or less fluent and meet to discuss any topic they are interested in.
For more details, please contact Marie Lloyd on 721272.
French - Advanced (51)
Please see day, time and location information on the Class Finder page
LA LANGUE FRANÇAISE - NIVEAU SUPÉRIEUR Pour ceux dont la connaissance de la langue (grammaire/vocabulaire, etc) est déjà profonde. Ce n’est pas la classe pour ceux qui espèrent bavarder en anglais ou ne rien dire. ON NE PARLERA QU’EN FRANÇAIS! On devra aussi être prêt à consacrer 1 ou 2 heures chaque semaine aux DEVOIRS! -soit la préparation d’un texte enregistré, soit le développement écrit d’un thème à discuter. On travaillera ensemble / en petits groupes selon le niveau des étudiants et en paires pour améliorer la conversation française. LE BUT du groupe est d’atteindre un niveau très haut de COMPREHENSION ÉCRITE ET ORALE en étudiant des textes authentiques. On compte également apprendre à PARLER COURAMMENT sur une gamme de sujets d’actualité.
For more information on Advanced French, please phone 678113.
French is Fun (54)
Please see day, time and location information on the Class Finder page
This is a lively and good humoured group in which members are helped to improve their use of French, in a relaxed atmosphere. We use stories, articles, poems, songs and recordings by native French speakers to assist members to talk more confidently in French. There is quite a wide range of proficiency in the group so, provided that you have some ability to converse in French, you should not be nervous about joining. In any case, you are welcome to come along for a session to see whether it might suit you. You will be helped with understanding, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and speaking - without embarrassment. Members should be at a level between Beginners and Advanced.
Have a look at Froggyspeak, Bernard’s French Language website. Here is the link or just type into your browser.
For more details of this course please phone Mike Lloyd on 721272.
French Conversation & Pronunciation (55)
Please see day, time and location information on the Class Finder page
For more information, please contact the Class Leader.